AutoPlay - Turn On or Off in Windows 8 - Eg Net Solution

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

AutoPlay - Turn On or Off in Windows 8

In windows 7 I know that it was easy to turn off AutoPlay by just going to"Run>>gpedit.msc  >> Computer Configuration >Administrative
Templates>>Turn off Autoplay>> Clicking  Enabled and then selecting All drives in the  box to disable Autorun for all drives".  
But in windows 8 I didn't find that there. For windows 8 it is in "Run >> gpedit.msc >>Computer Configuration >> Administrative Templates

>>Windows Components >> AutoPlay Policies ".

Windows 8 Control Panel:
1 Go to Control Panel (Large icons view),
 2 Click on the AutoPlay .
Then you will be given the option for turning off Removal Drive, Memory card etc. Just select the "Take no action" option from the drop down menu besides the component you want to make turnoff or on.  

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